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book your session with me

At the moment, I am offering four (4) types of sessions. Except for Booster sessions, all other sessions will be held on Skype. I will send you my Skype username once the payment has been finalized. I will contact you via the email address you’ve used to purchase the session with me. However, if you prefer using another email address for communication, please let me know.

Note: By purchasing session(s) from me, you hereby consent to the disclaimer and agree to its terms.

RASA Transmission for Individuals

Individual RASA Skype sessions are usually 60+ minutes long. [My sessions with my regular students often last 90 minutes, however] Each session is usually divided into two parts. The first part (usually 30 min long) is reserved for Q & A. If you have any query relating to your spiritual development, you can ask me right away. If you want, I also provide guidelines and feedback on your spiritual practices.

The second half of the session (also, 30 min long) is for the RASA shaktipat transmission. You don’t have to do anything besides closing your eyes for 20 minutes. I will transmit RASA through Skype.


A typical individual RASA session also includes assessment of your Level of consciousness (LOC).

In addition, purchasing any amount of individual session from me (even if you buy just 1 session) will give you access to FREE unlimited email follow-up from me (however, the emails has to be related to RASA and your spiritual practices). In other words, you don’t have to pay anything for any follow-up emails.

The Price for Individual Session is $67

RASA Transmission for Individuals

RASA Transmission for pairs

This option is ideal for couples who are on the path of Self-realization and consequently like to take RASA together. These sessions are structured like individual sessions, meaning each session has two parts as well (Q & A, followed by RASA transmission).

RASA Transmission for Pairs also includes the all the usual perks found in individual sessions.

The price for Couple Session is $90

RASA Tranmission for Pairs

RASA Transmission through photo (booster session)

This option is only available for my regular students at my discretion. In Booster sessions, I transmit RASA through the photo of the recipient. Therefore, unlike live sessions, the recipient doesn’t need to be present before me to receive RASA.

This option is not meant to be a replacement of individual sessions since booster sessions are not as quite as powerful as live sessions. As the name implied, these sessions are meant to **boost** your regular sessions. Usually, I offer booster sessions to students who needs very frequent doses of RASA. In this case, for example, I allow my students to have regular live RASA sessions, followed by a booster session.

RASA Transmission through photo (booster session)

Post enlightenment (Post LOC 1000) integration coaching

This option is only for my students who went to LOC 1000 (levels of consciousness calibrated at 1000, i.e. full non-dual awakening) and stabilized there.

Some students find it relatively easy to integrate their enlightened state with their day to day life.

Some other students, however, find it a bit difficult to integrate their spirituality with their ordinary life.

To put simply, to integrate enlightenment with your every life requires a certain level of “wisdom”

Enlightenment may happen in an instant. But wisdom, on the other hand, is an incremental process, happens overtime across your entire lifetime. 

  • Wisdom arises when you are living from inside out, meaning when your ordinary daily life is imbued with your spiritual realization.

  • Wisdom arises when you deeply contemplate your everyday experience from your awakened perspective.

  • Wisdom arises when you deeply contemplate spiritual scriptures from your enlightened (LOC 1000) state.

So, what’s this wisdom? Wisdom is a result of integration between your enlightened state and your interacting with the world and its people.

Enlightenment without wisdom is like fire without heat. The extraordinary potency and transformative possibility of your enlightened state will simply be absent without wisdom.

In Post LOC 1000 integration coaching, I will offer pointers, guidelines and strategies to help you to cultivate this wisdom. I will offer a few tools and techniques to integrate and embody your new enlightened consciousness. Last but not least, I will help you to embrace this world as it is. If you don’t embrace the world, with all of its flaws and peculiarities, you’ll become like a cave dwelling monk who is enlightened but don’t see the value of our imperfect world.

Post enlightenment (Post LOC 1000) integration coaching
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TYPICAL RESULTS AND DISCLAIMER: The testimonials on this site are from real people. Your results may vary. The individuals who get the best results are typically at what I call "end of seeking." This means they are fully and totally available to receive the RASAtm spiritual transmission. Hirok Das (the RASA Giver) does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results from the RASAtm spiritual transmission. Nothing on this page or on our website is a promise or guarantee of results or benefits of any kind. I do not offer any legal, medical, psychological or other professional advice. For any such advice or help I recommend that you contact a licensed professional. Thank you for visiting. I wish you great success on your spiritual path!

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